Estreno en el cine Chapultepec, 2023 Digital Print 43.3 x 38 in (Available)

Ejército del amor, 2024 13 ink screen print on cotton paper 29.1 x 29.1 in (Available)

Manos doradas, Series of LXX, 2021 Screen print with gold leaf 33.4 x 33.4 in (Available)

Dragones Musicales II, Series of 20, 2021 Digital Print 23.6 x 27.5 in (Available)

La nariz de Cleopatra, Series of LXXV, 2021 Screen print 29 X 29 in (Available)

Cíclopes, Series of 120, 2023 Screen print with gold leaf 24 x 24 in (Available)

Jaguares II, Series of LX, 2023 Screen print with gold and silver leaf 28 x 23.6 in (Available)
Pedro Friedeberg
Friedeberg was part of a group of Mexican surrealist artists distinguished by their irreverence and rejection of the dominant politics of the time. Beginning in the sixties, he began to exhibit prolifically inside and outside the country, reaching the XXI century with more than seventy exhibitions in his artistic career.
Florence, Italy, 1936.
Visual artist, draftsman, painter, sculptor, designer furniture, textile, and industrial. Born in Florence, Italy, in 1936, he arrived in Mexico at age three and developed in the society of European migrants, artists, scientists, and scholars from Mexico City.
He studied Architecture at the Universidad Iberoamericana, studies that he left unfinished to fully dedicate himself to his artistic production on the advice of his teacher Matthias Goeritz.
His first exhibition was in 1959, at the Diana Gallery, thank you to the support of the artist Remedios Varo. Since then, the success of the teacher increased, even more so with the creation of the Hand of Akhenaten, better known as the Hand-chair given international fame.
Friedeberg has had over 80 individual exhibitions and has participated in hundreds of group exhibitions and projects. Ha was recognized with the Medal of Fine Arts in 2012. Recently, a building designed by Rem Koolhaas inaugurated a monumental fountain in the Gardens of Mexico, Morelos.
He has also published the books “The Irrational House” and “Multiple Originals” in recent years. In 2017, it was included in the Hello World exhibition, carried out at the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin, Germany. His most recent exhibition was shown at the Bembo Palace, Venice, Italy, within the framework of the Architecture Biennial.
Selected Exhibitions
- “Pedro Friedeberg”, Curaduría de Mathias Goeritz, Galería Diana, Mexico City , Mexico.
- “Divertimentos”, Galería Antonio Souza, Mexico City, Mexico.
- “Pedro Friedeberg of México”, Pan American Union, Washington, D.C., EE.UU.
- “Pedro Friedeberg”, Kiko Galleries (Galerías Kiko), Houston, Texas, EE.UU.
- “México 68: Programa Cultural de la XIX Olimpiada, Curator Ida Rodríguez Prampolini, Galería Antonio Souza, Comité.
-Organizador de los Juegos de la XIX Olimpiada, Mexico City, Mexico.
- “Pedro Friedeberg”, Byron Gallery (Galería Byron), Nueva York, EE.UU.
- Maurice Sternberg Gallery (Galería Maurice Sternberg), Chicago, EE.UU.
- Galería Misrachi, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Galería Pecanins, Barcelona, Spain.
- “Pedro Friedeberg: Paintings, sculpture and furniture.”, Hokin Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida, EE.UU.
- Harcourt’s Gallery, San Francisco, California, EE.UU.
- Casa de las Américas, La Habana, Cuba.
- “Pedro Friedeberg: Sculpture”, Galería Phyllis Needleman, Chicago, Illinois, EE.UU.
- “La Venus de Chilpancingo o El Sebastián Portátil”, Galería Mixografía, Los Ángeles, California, EE.UU.
- “El Pulmón del Popocatépetl o Belzebub en Polanko”, Galería Mer-kup, Mexico City , Mexico.
- “Clepsidra y Babilómetro”, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, Mexico.
- “Oeuvres récentes. Recent Works”, Galería Eva Tarlooki, Montreal, Canadá.
- “Pedro Friedeberg: paintings and sculpture”, Galería Carmen Llewellyn, Nueva Orleans, EE.UU.
- “Pedro Friedeberg - Obra Reciente”, Curaduría de Rita Eder, Galería de Arte Mexicano, Mexico City, Mexico.
- “Ejercicios espirituales”, Centro Cultural “El Nigromante”, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
- “Retrospectiva”, Curaduría de Ida Rodríguez Prampolini, Instituto Veracruzano de Cultura, Veracruz, Mexico.
- “Arquitecturas ilusorias, botánica hipnerotomágica, juego y pasatiempos, objetos de virtud”, Galería de Arte Mexicano (GAM), Mexico City, Mexico.
- “Pedro Friedeberg”, Museo Omar Rayo, Roldanillo, Colombia.
- “Torres Inclinadas (Los orgasmos de Cleopatra)”, Centro Cultural El Nigromante”, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
- “Retrospectiva de Pedro Friedeberg”, Museo de Historia Mexicana, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.
- “Tarántulas pitagóricas”, Galería Pecanins, Mexico City, Mexico.
- “Teatro Macrobiótico”, ISSSTE Cultura, Exposición itinerante en Galerías del IMSS e ISSSTE, Mexico.
- “Cien acuarelas... y algunas más”, Museo Nacional de la Acuarela, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Exposición colectiva: “La Era de la Discrepancia: Arte y cultura visual en México 1968-1997”, Curaduría de Cuauhtémoc Medina, Olivier Debroise, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC), UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico.
- “Una Retrospectiva Pedro Friedeberg: Arquitecto de Confusiones Impecables”, Curaduría de James Oles / Trilce ediciones, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, Mexico.
- “Pedro Friedeberg en la Colección del Tec de Monterrey”, Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Estado de México, Atizapán de Zaragoza, Estado de México, México.
- “Zona Maco 2013”, Galería Fifity24MX, Feria de Arte Zona Maco, Ciudad de México, México.
- “Objetos filatélicos”, Museo de la Filatelia (MUFI), Oaxaca, Mexico.
- “Manos por México”, Jardines de México, Jojutla, Morelos, México.
- “La Casa Irracional”, curaduría de Alejandro Sordo, Museo Franz Mayer, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Muestra Individual de Pedro Friedeberg, Zona Maco 2017, Arte moderno, Galería Fifty24mx, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Elogio de la Locura, Galería MAIA, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Friedeberg Highlights, Christies, Nueva York, N.Y., EE.UU.
- Exposición colectiva: “Un arte sin tutela: Salón Independiente en México, 1968-1971”. Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC), Mexico City, Mexico.
- Exposición colectiva: “Objetos de deseo”, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, Alemania.
- GLASSTRESS 2019. curaduría de Vik Muniz y Koen Vanmechelen, Fondazione Berengo Art Space, Campiello Della Pescheria, Murano, Italia.
- Doctorado en Cariátides, Casa de México en España, Madrid, Spain.
- “AMAZE ME AND I AMAZE YOU”, Galería Dot Fiftyone, Miami, Florida.
- SD NFTs x PF @ CAM, CAM Galería, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Exposición de Pedro Friedeberg en el hotel Presidente InterContinental, Mexico City, Mexico.
- “Summa Hartis”, Art Collector Forum, MANIFESTO Gallery, Guadalajara, México.
- “Emociones Arquitectónicas. Mathías Goeritz y Pedro Friedeberg”, Casa Gilardi, Mexico City, Mexico.
- “Hipnerotomagia”, Galería MAIA, Mexico City, Mexico.
- “Hipnerotomagia”, Time. Space. Existence. Bienal de Arquitectura, Palacio Bembo, Venecia, Italia.
-Córdoba Argentina, Biennale. 2nd. Prize.
-Solar Exhibition México, D.F. 1st. Prize.
-Buenos Aires, Argentina Engraving Triennale.
-2nd. Prize San Juan de Puerto Rico.
-XI Bienaale of Graphic Works. Tokyo, Japan. Special Award.
-“Artistic Creator” Designation by the National System of Mexican and Foreign Creators.
-Prize for cultural merit, Mexico City Government, Mexico.
-Legionnaire of Number, National Legion of Honor, Mexico.
-Medalla de las Bellas Artes, INBA, México.
Museums and Collections
-Museo de Arte Moderno, INBA, Ciudad de México, México.
-Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC), UNAM, Ciudad de México, México.
-Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (MARCO), Nuevo León, México.
-Museo José Luis Cuevas, Ciudad de México, México.
-Fundación Televisa, Ciudad de México, México.
-Colección de Arte BBVA, México.
-Musée du Louvre, Pavillon Arts Décoratifs, París, Francia.
-Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, París, Francia.
-Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), Nueva York, EE.UU.
-Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, EE.UU.
-Smithsonian Institute, Washington D.C., EE.UU.
-Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., EE.UU.
-Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado, EE.UU.
-Lannan Foundation, Palm Beach, Florida, EE.UU.
-NSU Art Museum, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, EE.UU.
-The John & Mable Ringling Museum, Sarasota, Florida, EE.UU.
-Art Museum of Southeast Texas, Beaumont, Texas, EE.UU.
-National Research Library, Ottawa, Canadá.
-Vaughan Collection, Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Canadá.
-Cavalino Museum, Brescia, Italia.
-Museum of Modern Art, Tel Aviv, Israel.
-The Israel Museum, Jerusalén, Israel.
-National Museum of Modern Art, Bagdad, Irak.
-Casa de las Américas, La Habana, Cuba.
-Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
-Museo de Arte de Ponce, Puerto Rico.
-Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Franklin Rawson, San Juan, Argentina.
-Museo Rayo, Roldanillo, Colombia